Booze: A cask ale regret...
In my first blogpost I told you what my three favourite beers are and after I posted it I read it again and realised that there was something missing. A cask ale. Shocking, I know. Okay, Brewdog Punk IPA used to be available on cask and it is my favourite beer ever but I’m not going to use it here. Wychwood Hobgoblin was the first real ale I got into, I love their branding of "What's the matter, lagerboy? Afraid you might taste something?" and, of course, the beer. A dark and rich ruby ale. Caramel, fruity and malty nose. Heavy dark malt, sweet caramel and toffee flavours. It drinks well with a nice rich chocolate cake. Another favourite is Thornbridge Jaipur IPA - A medium sized IPA at 5.9%. Hopped to hell and back... It has big citrus flavours and aromas like Grapefruit and pineapple and is quite sweet with a bitter finish, just what you need from an IPA. It pairs well with spicy food as the sweetness is actually quite mellowing. As I got older and was able to...