
Showing posts from January, 2013

Booze: Guest Review - White Ace Cider by Ell

Fellow blogger, Ell approached me a while ago and asked if he could do a booze review for me. I obliged. About a week later he came back to me and said "I know what I'm going to review". This is it... The Great Northern Boozekill White Ace - £1.69 from almost fucking any corner shop. First of all, I would like to say that I had originally planned to review White Lightning. But it was sold out. In all the shops in my area. I find this worrying. Anyway, hi, I am Ell. I own and write for The Great Northern Blogkill, but today I am lending my services to Sir Nathaniel. I awoke from my slumber at the respectable hour of 6pm, still fatigued from the frivelous festivities that I had taken part in so wholeheartedly. I removed my night-cap and checked my pocketwatch, so as to decide what my agenda was for the day ahead. Great Scott! My Pocketwatch is broken! Upon discovering that the sky had darkened and the gentleman and ladies of Edinburgh town had ...

Beats: Voodoo Vegas – The Rise of Jimmy Silver review

Back in 2009, I lived in Bournemouth for a few months and I was working at the Abbey Lodge hotel which had a live music venue called Champions attached to it. Occasionally I’d be lucky enough to work in the bar which meant I got to see some awesome live rock and metal music. Voodoo Vegas were one of the bands that played quite a few times and I remember enjoying them a lot. Fast forward to the tail end of 2012 and I got a press release in my inbox, telling me that they’re finally releasing an album called The Rise of Jimmy Silver in 2013 and I was excited. I just had to hear the album!

Booze: 6.5 is the magic number

Well, not so magic according to Ipswich police. It’s the number of death. Ipswich police in their infinite power are ‘encouraging’ off licenses to stop selling 6.5%+ beers and ciders due to their association with problem drinkers. They’re also saying that if off licenses refuse to voluntarily have their license changed to prohibit the sale of high strength beers, there could be ‘issues’ and 'objections' come license review time.