
Showing posts from October, 2016

Prague 2016 - Day 3.5 - Back to Prague

After a sleep in our private cabin on the train, we finally arrived back in Prague; thankfully not having a similar situation as we did in Germany where we woke up after  our destination. It was a Tuesday evening so of course we decided to continue drinking because what else even is there to do? We decided to head to the one place that everyone bangs on about... Zly Casy which was quite a way away. It's a massive 45 tap craft beer bar spread over 3 floors and really does have something for everyone. The first thing I noticed when I went in was that they had Magic Rock Rapture on tap but that's not what I was there for... The one beer I REALLY wanted was a beer I had last time I was in Prague Matuska Raptor IPA  and goddamn, I found it and it was glorious. Definitely a rival to any UK or US brewed American IPA. Juicy as fuck. I honestly could not tell you what Sammie had as I clearly didn't check into it on Untappd. We then decided to check out the other two bars b...

Prague 2016 Day 3 - Budvar Brewery & Ceske Budejovice

Awake slightly later than planned, with a slight hangover we eventually made it to the 9:30am train to Ceske Budjovice. Train tickets are cheap in the Czech Republic - we each bought an unlimited all day ticket on the entire Czech rail network which cost around £18 each. Trains in CZ are clean, spacious and efficient; in fact I believe we got to Ceske Budjovice early. We arrived and Google Maps wasn't being much help with public transport so we just decided to take the half hour walk to the brewery on the outskirts of the city. We arrived and met Jan who has been working for the brewery for 42 years; he used to work in the lab but he's retired now and just does tours, which seems like a nice job. Now, a little bit of disclosure here - We didn't pay for our tour; we got a private tour for blogging purposes after I started chatting to the Budvar UK twitter account. The scale of the Budvar Brewery was incredible and I've never really seen anything like it aside f...