
Showing posts from 2012

So... that was 2012!

I know I’ve already done my golden pints and golden records but I thought I’d use this post to sum up some things that weren’t included. I ended 2011 at my mate Ben’s house and my first beer of 2012 was Estrella Damm. I love Estrella. This year has been a weird one. There have been highs and lows. I’ve made some awesome new friends and pissed some people off. I’ve had some awesome beers and I’ve had some truly dreadful ones. I started this blog in March and didn’t think anyone would bother reading it but 9 months on, I’ve clocked up over 31,000 views and have 1000 followers on twitter. I honestly don’t know how I’ve built up such a following, considering I’m one of the angriest and most offensive motherfuckers you’re ever likely to encounter. I really couldn’t have done it without the bands, record labels, PR companies, breweries, bars, pubs, other bloggers and above all, you bastards. My readers. You’re fucking awesome. Thank you. Here’s to an even more awesom...

Booze/Beats: 7 Horns 7 Eyes Beer Interview

A while ago, James from Hold Tight gave me the idea of interviewing some American bands who were touring over here about European beer but sadly that didn’t come to fruition. I was heartbroken as that sounded like the best idea ever but luckily his partner in crime, Lisa discovered something awesome. Lisa discovered that Aaron & Brandon Smith from 7 Horns 7 Eyes who you may remember from my review of their debut full length album Throes of Absolution which is my #2 album of 2012 , is a beer geek. Yes, I know, it’s unbelievable to me too! So yes, I sent them some questions and Aaron is such a gent that he answered them!

Booze/bites: Why at Christmas?

Christmas is the time where everyone eats and drinks too much. That's what everyone says, right? "Hey, don't drink or eat too much. It's not good for your health" Why for one week of the year are we saying eating and drinking a lot is perfectly acceptable? Why this week is it perfectly acceptable to get up and have an alcoholic beverage with your breakfast but it isn't any other time of the year? Why this week is it perfectly acceptable to eat so much disgustingly fatty food that your stomach almost pops? Why am I judged on any day not in December that I'm not working because I've posted online that I'm having a beer with my 20 rasher bacon sandwich? Why is it only acceptable during the Christmas period? Answers on a postcard please. Nate

Booze: Masquerido Mojito Beer review

I first read about this beer on The Publican last week and was instantly disgusted. I was adamant that I will never drink this beer because it just sounds dreadful but after a long discussion with the lovely Melissa Cole, I was convinced that I need to as she underwent the horrors of Melville Raspberry Lager so I don’t have to. Since I didn’t want to face this ordeal alone, I enlisted the help of the one and only Jay who at first was willing to participate but like me got incredibly nervous as the day drew near. Luckily Jay is a good thinker and came up with the idea of going for an actual mojito before going to his flat to do this review so we headed to Revolucion De Cuba in Norwich. Now, I hadn’t drunk a Mojito in years but I remember enjoying them but in this case I was disappointed. We were both disappointed. We couldn’t detect any rum; we were just overwhelmed by lime and water from the rapidly melting ice, with just a tiny hint of mint in the background. We fin...

Beats: Golden Records 2012

2012 is almost over so I figured I should do a blog post about my favourite musical type things of the year. Most of them have been easy decisions which was quite nice.

Booze: Fakir Brewing Company – Old Fakir’s Gold review

Fakir Brewing Company was set up by two mates who are passionate about beer and were pissed off with the fizzy yellow lagers they were getting served in Indian restaurants. Fakir Brewing Company is based in Norfolk and currently brews at Tipples. I feel that as I have said to people before about this, I should tell you that I was gifted this bottle by Moses to review. I have absolutely no bias even though he is a really nice guy. He’s totally passionate about his beer and we’ve had some long conversations. Quoted from their website: “ A Fakir is a holy man, shaman or wandering hobo – someone who devoted their live to spiritual discovery. At Fakir Brewing, we also embarked on a journey of discovery through our passion and desire; we craft beers which challenge the status quo” So... what about the beer?

Booze: Golden Pints 2012

At the end of every year, Mark Dredge and Andy Mogg invite all beer bloggers to list their best beers and beer related things of the year. This is my first year and it’s gonna be really fucking difficult….

Booze: The Day of Many Magic Rocks…

When beery events happen, they are usually only announced like a week before the event so with me living in Norwich it causes a problem. Short notice would be fine if travel prices weren’t absurdly expensive. This one, however, was announced over a month ago. I did a little dance and I jumped for joy before booking my means of travel. That means of travel, unfortunately, was the coach due to shoddy trainlines. I’m not paying loads of money to have to get a bus anyway, y’know? Anyway, the event was Magic Rock Brewery Tap Takeover at The King William IV in Leyton, as well as the launch of their collaboration with Brodies ; The Great Alphonso, on cask and keg. I’ve been excited for fucking ages. I was counting down the days until I can drink awesome Magic Rock beers and hang out with awesome beery twitter twazzocks.

Bites: Guest post - World Premiere of T.J's Kitchen!

A while ago, I interviewed a hip-hop band from New York called Dussel Has Friends. I think they were the first interview I did and it was hilarious; you can read it here. Well, in this interview T.J. told me about the sandwich he invented in High School called The Good Idea. Now, for the first time ever you can witness Rich & T.J. showing you how you go about creating this magnificent beast! Many thanks to the guys for creating this video for me to post here. Watch it, make it, share it! Cheers guys! Nate

The Session #70 – Don’t Believe The Hype

The Session is a monthly event for the beer blogging community which was started by Stan Hieronymus at  Appellation Beer . On the first Friday of each month, all participating bloggers write about a predetermined topic. Each month a different blog is chosen to host The Session, choose the topic, and post a roundup of all the responses received. For more info on The Session, check out the Brookston Beer Bulletin’s  nice archive page . This months session is hosted by David at Good Morning… and is all about hype and whether it changes our perception. As a rule, I’ve always listened to the great Chuck D from Public Enemy when it comes to hype. He tells us in the song above to not believe it. Don’t Believe The Hype. Sometimes, this is the hardest thing to do. I have believed the hype on occasion. I have defied the rapper I worship most, one of the greatest lyricists of all time. I have defied Chuck D. I’ve spoken about this before, kinda, when I reviewed Russian...

Booze: Discworld Ales review

“Absolutely NOT brewed by necromancy, no way, no siree” “The Boathouse Brewery came into existence following an explosion deep within the cellars beneath the courtyard, which would have been blamed on overly exuberant students had the remains of an experimental brewery not been found during the clean-up. Archchancellor Ridcully (a former student brewer himself) was left with no choice but to discourage the practice and so reluctantly issued a decree banning all brewing activities within the boundaries of UU. Weeks of careful examination of the Unseen University statutes and bylaws (championed by Ridcully himself) eventually lead to the discovery of a loophole. It turned out that the little-used boathouse, being constructed mainly over the river Ankh and therefore not technically within the grounds, was exempt from the decree and so the Boathouse Brewery was born. A large red line painted on the floor now formally marks the junction of river and university...

Booze: Brooklyn Post Road Pumpkin Ale review

I bought this one out of curiosity and that I fucking love Brooklyn Brewery. I've been happy with everything I've had from them so y'know, and pumpkin isn't really a common fruit to use in food and drink in the UK. My experience with pumpkin is very limited. I have carved pumpkins at halloween but I've not eaten it. I've only had 3 different pumpkin beers - Southern Tier, Wychwood & Timmermans. I really enjoyed 1 out of 3, the Southern Tier Imperial Pumking Ale. It was beautiful. I asked on both Facebook and Twitter today if anyone has had this particular beer and was it good. I got mixed results back. Matt said he didn't enjoy it, Rich simply said "Meh" but in the other corner we have The Biere Belle and Mel who both enjoyed it. This, naturally, leads me to the assumption that it's a beer for girls (although I'm well aware that the lovely ladies in question drink big beers too!). So, will I side with the ladies who love it ...

Carling, Pasta & The Hacktivist E.P.

I've been struggling lately. Struggling with life and struggling to write. I've been doing loads of thinking and overthinking and I'm not sure what the fuck is happening. However, today is Sunday. Sunday is the one day I can sit back and not give a fuck. I am really hungover. Last night I drank way too much bourbon and passed out on someone else' sofa whilst watching Ghostbusters. I'm quite fond of this person but that's irrelevant because today I have stopped giving a fuck. Picture this scene. It's Sunday. It's cold. I'm at my computer. I'm smoking lots of cigarettes and tweeting shit. I want a beer, I'm hungry and I'm listening to music.

Pizza, Beer & Music

I had a bit of a pub crawl tonight. Let's skip the finer details. I had a lot of beer. I am now at home. I have a meatilicious puzza from Dominos. I have a bottle of Stone Oaked Arrogant Bastard. I have Jazz. I love you

Beats: God Seed – I Begin review

God Seed was created by Norwegian black metal legends Gaahl and King Ov Hell when they left Gorgoroth in 2009. Whilst they were with Gorgoroth, they played hundreds of sold out shows culminating in their absolutely fucking massive, legendary performance at Wacken 2008. I am proud to say that I was there and it was absolutely fucking mindblowing. Everything you think of black metal was true. Fire, darkness and pentagrams. Fucking yes. I’ve always been a massive black metal fan. None of my friends were ever really that into it but I’ve loved it. It’s a genre that has always rattled cages, scared people and even made headline news. It’s just so dark and disgusting. I’ve been excited about this album for a while but y’know, I really have to be in the right mood for Black Metal. Today, this is the case.

Booze: Pressurised Criminal

Lately, and I have been committing a terrible crime. This happens in every new drinking establishment in go in, and and even old favourites.

Beats: John Travolta & Olivia Newton-John – This Christmas review

You’ve seen the title so I really don’t think these artists don’t need any introduction, unless of course you’ve been living in a cave for eternity. I do have a lot of readers who certainly look like they’ve been living in a cave for eternity so I better clear things up... John Travolta & Olivia Newton-John first combined their vocal talents on the biggest movie-musical of all time, Grease and their chart topping single You’re The One That I Want . I have heard this song way too many times because my sisters love it and as much as it isn’t really my kind of music, I completely get why it’s popular. Now, almost 35 years later, they’re reunited on a Christmas album of all things!

Booze: Shepherd Neame Double Stout

Evening! I was sent this bottle by Shepherd Neame, along with a bottle of the new India Pale Ale. As I understand, these are massively old recipes that have been decoded from ye olden days. Back in the day, brewers would encrypt their recipes so that other brewers couldn't copy them. It's pretty awesome. If there were old school hackers, they must have been pretty tech. Anyway, this is a double stout. It's 2am and I'm listening to a lot of power metal. Right now, Manowar - Warriors of the World. Everyone loves power metal. Beer..

A Friday Lunchtime Musing...

I am sitting here, at my desk and thought that since I don't have any of my writing materials with me, I should write anyway. You see, I don't have a clue what this is all about. It's just, microsoft word is really fucking me off today. I want to kill myself. Last night, I had a few pints and went to see Hip-hop legend Lord Finesse. Tonight, I am going to have a few pints and go to see contemporary folk band Bellowhead. Did someone say contrast? The beers I had last night were: White Horse War Horse - This was alright. Tree Brewing Thirsty Beaver Amber Ale - This was quite lovely. Camden Town Pale Ale - This was fucking awesome as always. Timmermans Pumpkin Lambicus - This didn't astound nor offend me. Redchurch Old Ford Export Stout - This was absolutely fucking delicious. Foster's Lager - This was, well, Foster's lager. Tonight, however, there is only one beer I really need: Golden Triangle Black Hops - I'm not sure I've talked about t...

Booze: Thrash Metal Beer Tasting – Joel From Evile

A few weeks ago, I got an email asking if I wanted guestlist for Evile & Wolf at Open in Norwich. I instantly replied because I knew it would be an awesome gig; then a couple of days later I got confirmation and asked if I want to interview Evile. At first, I said I’m not sure and I’ll get back to the record label but a couple of weeks later I had a brainwave – my blog isn’t just about music, why don’t I see if the band are up for a Norfolk Beer Tasting? I already knew that Joel is quite into his beer so it would be perfect. I got a reply saying it sounds like a great idea. We’re onto a winner! So, along with my good friend Rob, I took 5 beers from 3 different Norfolk breweries to taste them with Joel Graham, the bassist from Evile. Evile are a thrash metal band hailing from Huddersfield in Yorkshire, England. They currently have three studio albums, have appeared at many different heavy metal festivals, had headline tours and have supported some pretty big names. In f...

Booze: Norwich Beer Festival 2012 roundup

Norwich Beer Festival is always good fun and really well organised although sometimes I find that the beer list lacks what I want. Maybe that’s because I’m a beer snob. I don’t fucking know. This year, however, the list fucking rocked. I thought it would be a good idea to drink (mostly) in thirds because I wouldn’t get so drunk. What a fool I am because I drink the same amount, just more different beers. I went to a few different sessions... I didn't drink all of these in one! I sadly forgot to take photographs.

Beats: Devin Townsend gig review (Cambridge Junction)

Devin Townsend is a rare kind of man. It really is hard to capture how awesome and magical he is and put it into words, especially once you’ve seen him on stage.

Booze: The Session #69 - Perfect Beer World

The Session is a monthly event for the beer blogging community which was started by Stan Hieronymus at  Appellation Beer . On the first Friday of each month, all participating bloggers write about a predetermined topic. Each month a different blog is chosen to host The Session, choose the topic, and post a roundup of all the responses received. For more info on The Session, check out the Brookston Beer Bulletin’s  nice archive page . This months session is hosted by Jorge at Brew Beer and Drink It and he wants to know what we'd like to see change in order to bring us closer to a perfect beer world. Honestly, I forgot about The Session until I saw someone share their post on twitter. I was meant to post something entirely different and music related today but I guess that'll have to wait because, living in the UK there's certainly a lot to be said.

Not quite 100th post interview... myself (by Tom)

So... I was trying to work out what to do for my 100th blog post and my good friend Tom suggested letting him interview me. What could possibly go wrong? After all, I've previously been interviewed by Glyn Roberts a while ago which was pretty damn cool. Turns out that Tom was a bit slack in getting my interview all typed up so I was forced to post something else as my 100th post. Then something else as my 101st post. So this is actually my 102nd. Have been meaning to post it sooner but I've been ill and lacking concentration levels. Well, I'm bouncing back so I thought I'd post it now. What do I have to say for myself? Ok, so we’re going to do this in a format you should be familiar with, starting off with booze. What was the first beer you ever remember really enjoying? Wychwood Hobgolbin, when I was about 15. I chose it because of the name. You speak passionately about the beer scene in your hometown of Norwich, and Norfolk in general, but what county woul...

Booze: The Norwich Taphouse is Bitchin'

LOOK AT THE LOVELY TAPS. THERE ARE 20 OF THEM. If you follow me on twitter, y'all would've seen me obsess over when the fuck this place was opening. FOR MONTHS. Well it's open and it's bitchin'. 20 draft beers and a lot of bottles. I'M NOT GOING TO FUCKING COUNT.

Booze: Cask, Keg, Bottle or Can?

Y ES PLEASE! Nate   This is post 100. I do not give a fuck.  

Beats: Wisdom – Judas Review

Wisdom are a Hungarian Power metal band that formed in 2001. After some promotional records, they released the Wisdom E.P. as an attachment to the Hungarian heavy metal magazine Metal Hammer which put them firmly in the public eye; then, in 2006 they released their first full length album Words of Wisdom . After another E.P. in 2007 entitled At The Gates , some tours and some opening spots for popular bands such as Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Heaven and Hell, Europe & Helloween, this year they have released their second full length album Judas . Each song that Wisdom writes is based around a famous quote which is a brilliant and unique idea because there is no solid theme or story like with most power metal bands. So, what of the album?

Interview: Andrea & Fabio from Arthemis

Last night, I had the pleasure of interviewing Andrea Martongelli (Guitarist) & Fabio Dessi (Vocalist) of Italian Thrash Metal band Arthemis before seeing them play at The Waterfront in Norwich. What did these guys have to say?

Beats: ...And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead gig review (NAC)

On Monday, I went to see ...And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead at Norwich Arts Centre. Although I’ve been a fan of theirs for years, this was the first opportunity I had to see them so I was pretty excited. ...Trail of Dead is a progressive rock band and was formed in 1994 by Conrad Keely and Jason Reece. They originally started playing music in the indie rock town of Olympia, WA but eventually relocated to Austin, TX where they became the band they are now. They currently have 7 albums out, in which each is uniquely different to the last, with their 2012 release Lost Songs out tomorrow but more on that later...

Beats: Job For A Cowboy live review (Norwich Waterfront)

On 17th September, if you remember, I had the pleasure of interviewing Jonny Davy from Job For A Cowboy . Afterwards, I thought it would be rude to not go and see them live. They were supporting Dying Fetus, along with Revocation and Cerebral Bore. I first saw Job For A Cowboy live in 2007 I think. They were supporting Megadeth at the UEA in Norwich which is a fucking big score for quite a young band. In that case, they had a massive stage to work with and managed to pull it off brilliantly. I was quite excited to see them again, to be honest. Just to see how their live performance has progressed over 5 years. I'll start off by saying, they were playing in The Studio at The Waterfront which is pretty small. The stage is absolutely tiny. It was my first ever gig up there; I'd only previously been there for Wraith club nights before, all other gigs I've seen at The Waterfront had been in the main Auditorium. Job For A Cowboy managed to work with a small stage incred...

Beats: Anuryzm – Worms Eye View review

Anuryzm are a 5 piece progressive metal band from the sandy deserts of Dubai. Yes, you read that correctly; a metal band from Dubai. Originally self-released in their homelands of the Middle East in October 2011, Anuryzm teamed up with Melodic Revolution Records in order to get their debut album Worm’s Eye View more widely distributed. Worm’s Eye View was re-released in July 2012 and has already had a mushroom cloud of success. So, what of the album?

Beats: Foreign Beggars – The Uprising review

Foreign Beggars are a critically acclaimed hip-hop group that is comprised of Orifice Vulgartron, Metropolis and DJ Nonames. I want to start off with saying right off the bat that they are my all time favourite hip-hop group. I’m not going to lie. Ever since I first heard Stray Point Agenda a few years ago, I have loved them. What enhanced my love and respect for them is that they’re massive heavy metal fans, especially Napalm Death. Foreign Beggars are a rare example of a hip-hop group that doesn’t do the same thing on every album. They are constantly progressing and trying new things. Is there such a thing as progressive hip-hop? I don’t know but that’s what Foreign Beggars are. Over the years they’ve gone from pure U.K. hip-hop vibes, changing again and again to keep themselves and their fans interested. If you’ve been following them lately, you would’ve seen them do collaborations with some major electronic and dubstep artists such as Skrillex & Flux Pavilion....

Booze: Gadds’ Green Hop Ale review

So, Gadds ’ is a brewery based in Ramsgate, Kent. This is my first ever beer by them and it was sent to me by my good friend Tom. You may remember Tom from my Journey To Olympia post but don’t worry if you don’t, I understand that you’ve been drunk since you read it. Anyway... Green hops are fresh as fuck. None of those dried hops we get at other points during the year. These are fresh as fuck. They’ve been harvested and whacked in the kettle like you know how. How do I feel about this beer?

Interview: Chris & Elliot from Alestorm

Last Thursday I had the opportunity of interviewing Chris & Elliot from the fearsome pirate metal Alestorm. See below for a laugh...

Booze: The Session #68 – Novelty Beers

The Session is a monthly event for the beer blogging community which was started by Stan Hieronymus at  Appellation Beer . On the first Friday of each month, all participating bloggers write about a predetermined topic. Each month a different blog is chosen to host The Session, choose the topic, and post a roundup of all the responses received. For more info on The Session, check out the Brookston Beer Bulletin’s  nice archive page . This month’s session is about Novelty Beers and is hosted by 99 pours .

Beats: The Devin Townsend Project - Epicloud review

To many people, Devin Townsend is regarded as the king of progressive metal music and I can't disagree with them. He has been making progressive metal both as solo projects like this one and with bands like Strapping Young Lad for almost two decades. Whenever Devin's name is credited to an album the immediate thought for fans is "What is this crazy bastard gonna do next?"

Booze: Russian River Pliny The Elder review

Me in the Black Heart. Credit to Matt Curtis for the pic! Ever since I first read about Californian brewery Russian River ’s beer Pliny The Elder I wanted to try it. I didn’t think I’d ever get the chance unless I were to go to California where even it its home state, it can be hard to come across. And then yesterday happened. I took a day trip to London to hang out and drink beer with Matt & Karen who run the Evening Star pub in Brighton. They have recently returned from a holiday in America and told me that they had a bottle of beer for me. I was hoping it was Pliny but I thought “No, surely it can’t be...” and it was. When Karen handed me the bottle, I had to contain my girly screams as we were in a public place. It’s possibly the best present you can give a beer geek!

Booze: Keg Marque

Keg beer… Alternatively known as craft beer… ·         Is consistently good… it doesn’t need to be conditioned in the cellar of a pub. ·          Aren’t filtered or pasteurised making for a naturally awesome beer. ·          Isn’t flat and warm. ·          It doesn’t look like you're wanking someone off as you pour a pint. ·          Doesn’t take much effort to look after kegs. ·          Is flavoursome, refreshing and cold. Cask ales like best bitters and milds are different from keg beers. They: - ·          Are all cask conditioned meaning if a pub doesn’t condition it for long enough it’s shit. This happens a lot of the time. ·       ...