The Session is a monthly event for the beer blogging community which was started by Stan Hieronymus at Appellation Beer . On the first Friday of each month, all participating bloggers write about a predetermined topic. Each month a different blog is chosen to host The Session, choose the topic, and post a roundup of all the responses received. For more info on The Session, check out the Brookston Beer Bulletin’s nice archive page . Despite still being a young blogger with not the greatest following, I really wanted to get in there early. I’ll probably get about two responses, maximum but screw it. It’s all fun, right? Speaking of fun, going to the pub with a bunch of mates is great… you have a few beers and a laugh, generally a fun time and all. I love going to the pub with mates but sometimes I go to a pub alone and I enjoy it. Other people say I’m weird for this as there seems to be a stigma attached to being in the pub alone – alcoholism. T...
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