
Showing posts from March, 2013

Booze: Pistonhead Full Throttle review

Pistonhead beers are produced in the 'Brutal Brewery Workshop' by Spendrups, Sweden's largest brewery. Just from looking at the can, the image you get is of rock music and that is the correct image to see. Pistonhead Laget was first launched in Sweden in 2010 before making it over to British shores last year via Proof Drinks. Since the launch, Pistonhead has developed quite a following by supporting touring bands, club nights and effective usage of social media as well as being on sale in some well respected music venues. I really like the branding and the idea that it is a rock 'n' roll live music beer. The sugar skull on the can is incredibly eye catching and ties in well with the image of heavy metal so there is no doubt that it will appeal. But what's it like?

Bites: Chilli Quest - Sainsbury's Basic Chilli (Tinned)

As you would have read in my 1 year anniversary post, I detailed a plan to eat a few of the same but different brand ready meals before creating my own variation of the dish. I shouted at Twitter for suggestions and I got a few but I have decided to go with Kavita's idea of Chilli Con Carne. As for the rest of the suggestions, I'll get round to those! I love Chilli Con Carne so this is a great suggestion. I have decided to start with what is possibly the worst I could get (I'm pretty skint right now). Sainsbury's Basic Chilli Con Carne (Tinned) Price: 89p Meat Content: 15% Cooking Method: Hob When I opened the can and put the chili in the pan, it was a stubborn, solid bastard. A few pats and shakes of the can then it eventually came out in a can shaped blob. It's very red and you can instantly see the sheer amount of Kidney beans that's in this product. It's very thick and gloopy and you can guarantee that every mouthful is going to be mo

A whole goddamn year

Fuck me. Time flies when you're having fun. It's been just over a year since I started Booze, Beats & Bites. When I first started my blog, I didn't think anyone would read my shit, much less enjoy it. I'm still not sure why the fuck you guys read my blog or enjoy it in all honesty. Answers on the back of a postcard please. Anyway, over this past year I've met some really fucking awesome people, drank some awesome beers, drank some dreadful beers, pissed people off, eaten delicious food and listened to some awesome music. I've decided to mix things up a bit now, however, with regards to my BOOZE and BITES posts. BEATS will pretty much stay the same with interviews and reviews. But let me explain my beery & foodie plans... BOOZE: You would've noticed already that my last few beer reviews have been collaborative weird reviews with my good friend Jay . Well, I'd quite like to continue this theme of not reviewing the same beers as 90% of

Booze: The Session #73 - Beer Audit

The Session is a monthly event for the beer blogging community which was started by Stan Hieronymus at  Appellation Beer . On the first Friday of each month, all participating bloggers write about a predetermined topic. Each month a different blog is chosen to host The Session, choose the topic, and post a roundup of all the responses received. For more info on The Session, check out the Brookston Beer Bulletin’s  nice archive page . This week’s session is hosted by Adam of Pints & Pubs , and is essentially about what beer you currently have at home. As the saying goes “A picture paints a thousand words” so this is all I need to offer you: Nate