The Session #77 - IPA: What's the big deal? FOR PUNKS

month’s session is hosted by Justin of Justin’s Brew Review, which is entitled “IPA:
What’s the big deal?” and it’s a question I once asked.
Once upon a time, in my early days of beer
geekdom, I had a beer called Punk IPA from a brewery called Brewdog. I’d had
IPAs in the past, but they were pretty lifeless so when IPAs got popular I
thought “Why? They’re not that good. And then I had Punk. I chanced upon a
bottle at Norwich Beer Festival – I forget the year – and it blew my tits off.
I actually recall shouting “HOLY SHIT” as I got my first whiff and tasty of
that piney, grapefruit hoppiness with nice toasty malt resting in the
background. WHAT WAS THIS SORCERY THAT WAS IN MY GLASS? This beer was a magic
potion, something I could only dream of. Flavours that I didn’t think existed
in beer. I mean, living in Norfolk, back then there weren’t many really hoppy
beers. We mostly had dull brown ales but this Punk IPA stuff was magical. After
that moment, I couldn’t sleep at night, wondering when my next glass of Punk
was going to come. I wanted more!
Fast forward a few months and I stroll into
the Fat Cat and see it on cask (NB. Remember when Brewdog did cask?). My heart
jumped out of my chest – Badum Badum Badum – That was pure happiness. I’d
wanted that beer for so long. So, so long. And it was great, totally fucking
amazing and at only £2.60 a pint (yes, I know!). That day, I must’ve drunk
about 10 pints of it, which obviously wasn’t a wise idea but who cares for wise
when you’re drinking the best beer you’ve ever had.
And then, I was again Punkless. Once I’d
drank the final dregs of this concoction that Odin himself would approve of, it
was gone. No punk for me. I’d have to survive because at this point, I hadn’t
yet discovered the wonders of ordering beer online.
Fast forward to a few years later. I walk in
Sainsbury’s, about to buy some awful shit, and lo and behold... PUNK IPA, along
with 5AM Saint and Hardcore IPA.
That was Happiness. I could drink Punk all I
wanted. I could bath in the shit if I wanted. I HAD UNLIMITED ACCESS TO PUNK.
Punk was my favourite beer, and I still hold
it in very high regard even though it’s been flaky lately but I am currently
drinking a bottle of batch 129 and can confirm that it’s fucking awesome. This
reminds me of the first bottle of Punk IPA I ever had.
I love Punk IPA and you can't stop me.
I’ve told my story so now the question must
be answered... IPA: What’s the big deal?
They’re mostly fucking delicious, that’s
what the big motherfucking deal is.
Well put. I love Punk, it was the one that opened the door to great beer for me and even though Brewdog get on my tits a bit now, I still can't fault their flagship beer (when it's good!)
ReplyDeleteCheers mate. Yep, they annoy us all but you can't complain when they're brewing good beer!
DeleteThough the cask punk was 6% and its now a different recipe at 5.6%
ReplyDeleteIt was indeed!
DeleteI had my IPA moment with Thornbridge Jaipur IPA at Norwich beer festival.
ReplyDeleteYou know me, I'm a lover of weiss and dark - not a great IPA drinker usually - but I spent an entire day of the beer festival drinking nothing else.
Oh yes, I do love Jaipur although it's been lacking on cask recently. Key keg stuff has been great but I've found the cask to be lacking.
DeleteI think most of us remember the beer that opened our eyes to the wonders of IPA. Thornbridge Jaipur did it for me.
ReplyDeleteOddly, I didn't try Jaipur until after Punk.
I've literally heard that exact mental blast more then once while staring down at a toddy froth head. Very well put and I couldn't agree more, oh my fellow Punk'er, IPA to the end.
Cheers! Even though I've drank a lot of different beers, I still have that moment occasionally and it's amazing!