Norwich Beer Festival 2013 - The Aftermath

Well, Norwich Beer Festival is over for another year and I just kinda felt that being one of these blogger types I should tell you about all of my favourite beers and such.

Last week was a pretty mental week... I did Monday evening, Tuesday evening, Thursday evening and both sessions on the Friday because, well, research. Yes, let's use that excuse. It was a long and extensive research trip into the styles of beer and presentation of a beer festival. Hey, I've been taking loads of these this year!

So let's get into it, shall we?

My favourite beers were as followed:

UK Cask (Outside of Norfolk): Arbor Ales Yakima Valley IPA - IT'S A TROPICAL FRUIT FEST! That bitter grapefruit you find in a lot of IPAs merges deliciously with mangoes, lychees and a bit of sweet apricot on top of a soft malty base. This is without a doubt a contender for beer of the year. I have absolutely no idea how this did not win beer of the festival (although the winner, Slaters Haka was well deserved).

Norfolk Cask: Tipples Sour Plum Porter - Vinegary, acidic plums with a sprinkling of chocolate and coffee. Wish I would've had more than just a half pint!

Keg (Foreign only, obviously): De Dolle Arabier - Peppery, yeasty, funky, some bananas and peaches. PLEASE SEND MORE.

UK Bottle: Poppyland Elderflower Saison - Funk, the whole funk with some fruity, sweet elderflower. I need more bottles of this immediately!

Foreign Bottle: Struise Pannepot - Treacle, berries & licorice pour onto your tongue, and then when you think it's all over... coffee appears, like a ninja!

Out of all of these, my overall favourite would have to be...

Arbor Ales Yakima Valley IPA!

Again, it was awesome! Thanks to CAMRA Norwich for putting it on and thanks to everyone who joined me for too many many beers!

Let me know your favourites in the comments, if you were there!




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