Booze: Innis & Gunn Lager review

Straight off the bat, dear readers, I've not really enjoyed anything I've had from the Scottish brewery Innis & Gunn. Got a message a couple of weeks ago on twitter from Adam who worked for Innis & Gunn (He doesn't now, he fled to Cornwall. Good luck bro) asking if I fancy trying the new Innis & Gunn Lager. It'd be rude not to really.

So yes, lovely chap sent me 6 cans of it. It's not available in cans, only on keg but then a can is just a mini keg so it's the best way to send samples out.

So, what's it like?

Brewery: Innis & Gunn (Scotland)
Beer: Lager
ABV: 4.6%
I had to make my own label


It looks really yellow and carbonated but with no head.


Smells like the juice of canned sweetcorn.


Firstly sweetcorn, then oats, then syrup and more sweetcorn with a bit of oil on the end.


Feels really oily and a bit sticky.


Not enjoyable at all. It's fucking horrible to be honest. I'd really advise them to brew a proper lager that has decent ingredients and is lagered for more than ten fucking days. Confirms my findings of previous Innis & Gunn beers I've had.

Cheers for sending me some cans, Adam. I'm going to give my remaining ones to people I don't like.



  1. So now I know what NOT to buy you for Xmas! Thanks for this hilarious 'Heads Up'!

    1. If someone bought this for me for Christmas, I would try to forget they exist!


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