Booze: Playing roulette with the Williams Brothers

Williams Brothers is a brewery based in Alloa, Scotland. I first had Joker IPA a couple of years ago and loved it. They’ve become one of my favourite U.K. breweries and I get excited whenever I see one of their beers in a pub or shop.

Tonight, I am playing roulette with The Williams Brothers; will red win, or will black?

Williams Brothers Red
Style: Red Ale
ABV: 4.5%

A nice autumnal red with a head that fades rather quickly.

Sweet red berries, caramel and hops.  Very sweet in fact.

A strong but sweet malty backbone with some hops and red berries.

Light carbonation with a short, dry finish.

Williams Brothers Black
Style: Stout (or in their words, a Rich Dark Ale)
ABV: 4.2%

Black as night. Think power cut darkness. Opaque blackness. Solid head that gives way after a bit.

Roasted malts, some coffee and a little nuttiness.

Sweet, strong, milky coffee with some milk chocolate.

Very creamy with a prickly carbonated feel.

Nate Dawg’s Verdict – RED or BLACK?

For me, this was an easy win for BLACK don’t get me wrong, I loved RED but BLACK really wowed me! It had everything I like in a stout... it was creamy and not overpowering in any way. The flavours were beautifully balanced!

Find Williams Brothers online:

Thanks for reading; I now permit you to have a beer as a reward!



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