#12BeersOfXmas Day 9 - Grain Brewery 3.1.6

Today was meant to be Thwaites Big Ben but only had a chance to drink this before going out yesterday because Big Ben wasn't chilled. Will make sure I do that another day. I've really messed with the program!

As you may have seen me mention about 137 times, Grain Brewery, in my opinion is the best Norfolk has to offer (sorry other brewery friends xxx) so I've got Grain 3.1.6, a 3.9% extra pale ale.

This has been available on cask for a while but has only just made it into bottles. I believe this was originally brewed to celebrate the new tanks in the brewery and the name 3.1.6 comes from the grade of steel used to make them.

It pours a lovely golden colour with a fluffy white head.

Immediately on the nose you're struck with the lovely light biscuity lager malt, along with floral hoppy aromas.

You then take a sip and you're hit with the biscuity malt, followed by subtle orange flavours and a long floral finish.

The mouthfeel is quite carbonated, yet long and dry.

Overall? It's a beer I've drank many, many pints of and will drink many more. During the summer it actually kicked Grain Blonde Ash off the top of my "What to drink on a hot day in The Plough's beer garden" list. Absolutely love it. It's certainly a beer that can please both seasoned ale drinkers and lager drinkers alike.




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