Beats: GIG ALERT - S.O.A.R & Basick Records All-Dayer

 *EDIT* Dripback apparently got a better offer so they've had to pull out - don't worry, thought, we're not cheating you out of bands as Terakai are replacing them.

What the fuck are you doing on Saturday 8th of September between 2pm & 10:15pm?

Probably the same shit as every Saturday.

I have a better idea... You're coming to the Siege of Amida Records & Basick Records all-dayer. I mean, why wouldn't you?

There are 10 heavy metal bands playing live over a period of about 8 hours at the Camden Underworld in London and although some people who aren't into heavy metal are probably reading this thinking 'But isn't it all the same?', you will not find a more diverse line-up in one day.

It's sponsored by Metal Hammer Magazine and will blow your tits off. Literally.

Aliases (Final gig with current vocalist, Jay Berast)

You need to go to this, it's going to be a fucking awesome day filled with loudness, beer & heavy metal hugs.

Advance tickets are available from your usual ticket retailers and advance tickets are only £7. £7 for 10 fucking awesome bands. I mean, really, what have you got to lose?

See you there, bitches!



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