Bites: Baron of Beef at The Sir Garnet

It will come as no surprise to you that I like a good burger and beer. Beer and beef are two of my favourite things.

I had drank at The Sir Garnet a few times. It’s a nice, welcoming pub with plenty of seating both inside and outside; nicely situated right next to Norwich market on one of the main shopping strips, Gentleman’s Walk.

Image from:

Beer selection gives you four cask ales which usually includes Brains IPA, Timothy Taylor Landlord & Golden Triangle Garnet Gold which was brewed especially for them; as well as five keg taps which are always the same: Peroni, Pilsner Urquell, Kozel, Fruli & Rekorderlig Cider. In bottles, we’re in for a treat too with Brewdog Punk IPA, Anchor Steam, Saint Lager and Delirium Tremens amongst others.

I’d heard a lot about The Baron of Beef’s burgers. Handmade burgers cooked to perfection with a variety of toppings and home made buns. This had to be checked out. Yesterday was payday so it was about bloody time.

I arrived at The Sir Garnet at about 5:20 yesterday and got a text from a mate saying he was gonna be a little bit late. I got a pint of Golden Triangle City Gold (Sadly, Garnet Gold wasn’t on but it’s fine because City Gold is still hoppy and tasty as fuck which is what I required) and stood at the bar. I had a bit of drama with a crazy drunk lady telling me I’m beautiful (I know I am) and trying to stroke my hair but it’s no bother.

Eventually my mates turned up and we found a seat on the top floor that I didn’t even know existed.

I was then faced with the menu that I’d seen a picture of on facebook and had spent the day drooling over.

There are three (actual) burgers – “Cheese Please”, “Beer Can”, “Saucy” and a version for weird people who don’t eat meat called “Pulse Action”.

By the process of elimination, I knew which ‘burger’ I definitely wasn’t going to get; but that left me with a problem… which one was I going to get? They all sound so tasty.

I eventually realised that the only sensible option was “Beer Can” with cheese so I ordered it (and another pint of city gold) before I had time to change my mind.

Below the choices was a mouth-watering quote:

“Baron of Beef’s burgers are 99% beef and 1% salt and pepper. They are handmade in house, as are the buns. All beef is matured for a minimum of 21 days and is supplied by Bakers of Norwich, who have been selling meat on Norwich market since the 1920s”

Now I’ve had some good burgers but I don’t think I’ve ever been to a place that makes their own.

After not too long, my burger arrived in all its majesty with some homemade ‘slaw. Now, the Baron of Beef doesn’t fuck around. He doesn’t add unnecessary leafy shit to burgers. It is what it is. Meat.

The burger itself, the “Beer Can” is one of those legendary handmade patties topped with smoked streaky bacon, house made BBQ sauce and caramelised onions. Sounds good right?
I was so eager that I forgot to take a pic before eating
You don’t even fucking know.

I took my first bite and I was in heaven. A meaty, perfectly seasoned beef patty with absolutely no gristle; smokey, perfectly crispy bacon; sweet and delicate caramelised onions and a BBQ sauce that’s smokey and sweet with salty and rich melted cheese; all in between the perfect, toasted hand-made burger bun.

After that bite I stared in awe for approximately 2 minutes and 15 seconds before quoting Samuel L Jackson as Jules in Pulp Fiction “Mmmhmmm… that is a tasty burger”.

The beer, Golden Triangle City Gold was the first beer that Kev brewed commercially. He’s a great chap and has become a regular drinking buddy and friend. City Gold is literally gold and has a floral, citrus fruit aroma. The flavour is orange zest, marmalade, toastiness and a dry, hop bitter finish. It’s simply superb.

How does it pair with the burger? Really bloody well. The zesty, marmalade sweetness of City Gold with the caramelised onions and the big, juicy burger was an insane match. I couldn’t have asked for anything better; especially since I had spent time before the burger arrived, worrying that it wouldn’t pair well!

Needless to say, I devoured my burger rather quickly. I didn’t get chips because I wasn’t quite that hungry but I wish I did because I tried matt’s Rosemary Salted Fries and they were bloody lovely. Fried to perfection… crispy on the outside, soft and fluffy on the inside; nicely salted with a rosemary flavour singing throughout.

Baron of Beef’s “Beer Can” burger is the best burger I have ever had. It was so good that I found it hard to write this without getting emotional… it was simply perfect. It had literally everything I want in a burger and is brilliantly priced too.

If you’re ever in Norwich, definitely visit The Sir Garnet Pub on Norwich market for a beer and a burger. It’s literally right in the centre of the city.

Actually, don’t wait until you happen to be in Norwich. Get on a train or a plane and head here now.

I think I might go there for another tonight.



  1. This looks and sounds soo good! When are you free to introduce me to these burgers


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